Cat Meffan

Juice Plan from Nutritionist who Inspired Millie Mackintosh

Madeleine Shaw, nutritionist to the likes of Millie Mackintosh & Caggie Dunlop, has teamed up with Philips to promote their campaign Real Juice and has shared her 7-day juice plan with Imperfect Matter.

With their glowing skin and toned physiques, Millie Mackintosh & Madeleine Shaw are the perfect adverts for the healthy lifestyle that so many people are striving for these days.

Millie & Madeleine

Instagram: @madeleine_shaw_

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Madeleine & Millie practising yoga together

With juicing becoming so popular, it’s very easy to follow a detox trend or the newest juice diet without realising what is best for your body. Madeleine is all about juicing along with eating well at the same time, something that really works for my lifestyle. I enjoyed the one-day cleanse I did (you can read about it here), but personally I like to have a juice alongside a normal day of meals.

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Instagram: @camillamackintosh


SUNDAY: Classic cleanse juice – 3 carrots, a beetroot, an apple and two stalks of celery

MONDAY: Glowing greens juice – 3 stalks of celery, 2 handfuls of spinach, 1 pear, 1/2 cucumber, 1 peeled lemon (or less according to taste), 1 handful of parsley

TUESDAY: Pre-Workout juice – 3 carrots, 1 beetroot, 2 handfuls of parsley, 2cm of ginger

WEDNESDAY: 4pm Pick me up juice – a handful of spinach, 5 romaine lettuce leaves, 1/4 a cucumber, 4 stalks of celery, 1 lemon, 1 apple, 2cm of ginger and 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

THURSDAY: Stir & purr sleep tonic juice – 1 green apple, 7 strawberries, 15 de-stoned cherries, 1/2 a cucumber

FRIDAY: Watermelon cooler juice – 1/4 of a watermelon, 1 peeled lime (or less according to taste), 1 handful of fresh mint Saturday

SATURDAY: Hangover helper juice – 3 medium-size tomatoes, 3 stalks of celery, 1 peeled lemon (or less according to taste), 2cm of ginger, 1 jalapeño pepper (seedless), 1/2 a cucumber

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Philips recently launched their new Viva Compact Juicer, which is quick & simple to use and most importantly, it’s easy to clean!

Today is the perfect day to be posting this, as the Friday juice is my favourite! Mmmmm yummy watermelon.

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Peter the Potato Peeler eyeing up his next lime peeling job

Now, we’re all about being honest at Imperfect Matter, so I’d be lying if I said I was going to start making juices every day. Madeleine’s recipes are delicious, and even though the Viva Compact Juicer is quick and easy to use, it’s just not quick enough for me. As juicers go, it really is great, but I think for now I’ll stick to being a smoothie girl and maybe have the odd juice each weekend.

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Check out Madeleine’s website for delicious and healthy recipes!

Give the juicing a try and let me know how you get on! x