Cat Meffan

Kayla Itsines Launches Bikini Body Guide 2.0

As you know, over the summer I was doing Kayla Itsines’ Bikini Body Guide and I kept you updated with my progress for the first six weeks. After a few glitches (aka holidays) I finally made it to the end of week 12. Read about my Kayla Itsines progress here.

I won’t lie and say I saw huge results, BUT that was most definitely down to me and not the guide. With Imperfect Matter I’m constantly trying new fitness classes and have project commitments, on top of my social life, jewellery work and summer holidays. I’m still very happy with my physique and loved having a guide to follow, which is why I’ve just started the second guide. As the cold months draw closer I’ll be less tempted by BBQs and ice creams, so I think I’ll follow this one with a slightly stricter mindset.

Kayla Itsines

Instagram: @kayla_itsines

Please note that I follow my own eating plan and not the Kayla Itsines one, as I have a plan that works well for my body.

If you’re thinking about completing the Bikini Body Guide 2.0, then here’s a little run down of what you can expect:

I interviewed Kayla Itsines a while back for Imperfect Matter, so if you haven’t seen it, click here – it’s definitely worth a read if you’re in need of a little motivation!

Kayla Itsines

I’d love to hear about your experience with the guide – so please do feel free to comment below! 🙂 x