Cat Meffan

The Truth About Kayla Itsines App, Sweat With Kayla.

Maybe mistakenly, I didn’t read any reviews of Kayla Itsines App, Sweat with Kayla until AFTER I had spent £50.99 on a three-month subscription. I had an odd moment of panic after pressing ‘buy’ and thought I should have researched it more. The problem with reading reviews (just like mine, of course) is that it’s just one person’s opinion of something, something that you might end up feeling totally different about. During that small panic I did read a few reviews, all pretty negative which then made my panic worse. Had I just thrown away all that money?

Let’s just discuss the price of Kayla Itsines app for a moment before I get onto the app features. I signed up thinking it was going to be $53.99 Australian dollars as shown on the website, but when I downloaded the app and went to subscribe the price had changed to £50.99 GBP. I decided to go ahead anyway after a quick moan to Rob about the price confusion.

After that panic and moan, I decided to give it a go and I have to say that I don’t think it’s as bad as some are making out. Here’s why…

In summary, some might think I’m mad for spending £50.99 on the Kayla Itsines app…. I still think I’m a little mad, but I’m going to work through these next 12 weeks and see how I get on. In all honesty I do think that £50.99 is pretty steep for a 3-month app subscription, which is why I’ve cancelled mine and am only doing it until these run out. I fully appreciate all the hard work that has gone into making these guides, but when you add that money onto a gym membership it really starts to add up.

If you do subscribe and then end it, just remember to screen grab a few workouts and recipes, so you’ve got a little bank of them to use if you chose to end your subscription at any time! I won’t tell if you don’t. 😉

Hopefully you found this useful. Let me know if you have any questions about the Kayla Itsines app!

You can read my other posts about Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guides here.

Love, Cat x