Cat Meffan

Get Motivated with New Activewear on Depop

I’m a firm believer in motivation coming from within and having the desire to be active because of the way it makes us feel, BUT there is also the fact that some awesome new activewear goes a long way towards getting me motivated for a workout! There’s a feeling I get when I walk into the gym, go to a yoga class or go for a run and I’m wearing something new – it’s like someone has sprinkled some added confidence on me. On the downside of stylish and technical activewear, it can be expensive, which is where the Depop app comes to the rescue.

As a blogger I’m extremely lucky and grateful to try lots of amazing activewear from the best brands, but sadly (much to my upset), I can’t keep everything as I just don’t have enough space. There are many bloggers like myself on Depop selling all of the clothing they can’t house anymore and a lot of the time it’s either totally unworn or has only been worn a handful of times. It’s always worth checking out what people are selling before you go to the shops. At this time of year Depop is also great for Christmas shopping. Don’t be fooled into thinking that everything being sold is second hand, as a lot of bloggers and influencers are selling items with the labels still on – no one will ever know that you got a bargain!

Those of you that follow me on Snapchat and Instagram will know that I love the Depop app and whenever I’m having an activewear clear out, all of my snazzy leggings and sports bras end up on there for you all to enjoy. You can download the app from iTunes and the Play Store, create an account, connect it to your paypal account and theyn you’re ready to shop. Links to download are below.

I’ve just had a big clear out so head over to my Depop shop now. These are my favourite pieces for Christmas:

depop app review

Download Depop for iOS

Download Depop for Android



Happy shopping! Love, Cat x

This blog post is in collaboration with Depop. All views are my own.