Cat Meffan

Back to Work Blue(b)s!

Going back to work after a bank holiday weekend can sometimes be a bit depressing, but not when you’re armed with a box of homemade blueberry muffins.

Rob moved into a new flat this weekend, so I finally have a nice space to cook and take photos of what I’m doing in a lovely light and open kitchen. All those Saturdays and Sundays when the football is on, I can now play around with recipes. Just call me Delia, except without the Norwich FC infatuation.

A while ago Charli Cohen (fashion and fitness blogger) posted a recipe for some healthy protein blueberry muffins on her blog and I finally found time to whip some up like the domestic goddess that I am. Charli’s recipe suggested using apple sauce, which didn’t appeal to me so I chose not to use it. I also decided to use coconut flour instead of plain flour, as it’s what I try to bake with all the time now. I’ve made a few other adjustments too, so hopefully it still works!

Here’s how I got on…


1 cup coconut flour

2 scoops Blueberry Super Protein

1 tsp baking soda

1 cup rolled oats

2 tsp cinnamon

2 eggs

1/4 cup brown sugar

3/4 water

200g fresh blueberries



Mix all of the dry ingredients together first (not including the fresh blueberries) and then add the whisked eggs and water to the mixture. Once completed, fold the fresh blueberries into the mixture and voila! It really is as simple as that. Check me out being all Gwyneth Paltrow on a delightful Monday afternoon!


Put the mixture into large cake cases (or you can use those snazzy tulip muffin cases) and put them into the oven while you relax with a cup of peppermint tea! Bake your muffins at 350F (175C) for around 25-30mins and wait for the magic to happen. Unless you want to eat them before they’re cooked, I suggest NOT opening the oven to smell them, as it’s so damn good.

As far as cooked fruit goes, blueberries are by far the best for me. So sweet and juicy!




I have to admit, I was expecting to take them out of the oven and see some glorious smooth, dome topped muffins, but then I realised that these are homemade and not from Pret. I’m so chuffed with the outcome and as you can see, Rob was too. He insisted on getting every single bit of muffin out of that cake case! They were the perfect texture and just the right amount of sweetness. I’m looking forward to having one for pudding after my lunch tomorrow. Yes, lunch pudding IS a thing.



Obviously I needed some inspiration whilst writing this blog post… maybe two cake cases full of inspiration. Ooops!  Let me know if you try making these and if you have any suggestions for the recipe – I’m always up for knowing how to make things even healthier, but keeping them just as tasty.

Happy Muffin Making! x