Cat Meffan

My Blog & I

The original idea for this blog was to be a diary of my health and fitness challenge – to get the lean body I have always wanted as well as getting back into my old dancing life. I’ve tried every diet in the book, but now need something that is more sustainable, if I’m to get fit and slim.

We’ve all been there, flicking through Facebook and before we know it, we’re perving on someone called Sarah from Australia who’s a surfer and spends her life in a bikini. We sit there wishing we had a body like her, whilst stuffing a sandwich in on a 5 minute break from our desk job. I’ve decided to get my butt in gear and actually work on these wishes!

I’ve changed my approach and have decided to make this a new way of life, not just a quick fad 1 month before my summer holiday. Hopefully i’ll be able to help anyone else doing the same thing with my tips on exercise, food and general health.

ALL of the vegetables.

ALL of the vegetables.

You’ll also find things on here about fashion, jewellery, dance and probably music, as I’m not one for being too specific. I want to write about all of the things I enjoy, so apologies in advance for random pictures of tigers and penguins!


I’m just going to throw a tiger and penguin into the mix for the sake of it now…



Cute yeah?

“I’m cuter than you, deal with it”