Earlier this month the lovely ladies of Sleek Technique invited me to their official launch evening at the Reebok Fithub in Covent Garden and of course I had to go along to finally meet the dancing duo in person, not just via the video conference that I’m used to seeing them through.
For those of you that haven’t heard about it, Sleek Technique is the latest fitness dance trend, proving popular across the globe, thanks to the unique video conferencing classes. To find out more about the ballet-based class, have a read through my review of the 30 minute sprint session here. I was hooked straight away and will be ‘sleeking’ for years to come!
Sleek Technique is the brain child of Victoria Marr and Flik Swan, two VERY talented dancers who gave us a short example of what to expect from a Sleek Technique class. Check out the video below:
Victoria kindly agreed to answers some questions for Imperfect Matter. Check out why Sleek Technique is great for beginners as well as pros and find out what Victoria’s chosen cheat treat is.
Do you think that everyone can benefit from Sleek Technique, even never having done ballet before?
Absolutely, especially if you have never done ballet before! Aside from getting your body in great shape, Sleek has a strong focus on muscle symmetry, good posture and injury prevention. These things translate out of the studio and see women standing, sitting and moving differently in everything they do. Our Sleekers have seen amazing improvements with cronic back pain, hip and shoulder issues to name but a few as well as visible transformations in their posture and carriage.
For those that might be a little overwhelmed by the thought of doing ballet, how does a Sleek Technique class differ from the ballet people see in films and on TV?
We have taken some of the thought and basis of traditional ballet technique which has been used for many years by professional dancers to hone and tone their distinctive bodies and combined it with all our current fitness knowledge. It is not a ballet class and there are no pointe shoes or tutus involved. It is a totally accessible dance fitness method.
Why is this kind of authentic ballet workout good for the body?
We work all the muscle groups with a focus on switching them on in the right order to encourage good technique and maximum benefit from every exercise. We spend a lot of time correcting posture and stretching out muscles as they are used to increase flexibility and maintain supple joints which in turn avoids injuries and helps with all manner of aches and pains. Everyone can benefit from working smarter not harder!
Which class would you recommend for a beginner?
Ballet Bootcamp is a great intro to Sleek and is suitable for everyone. No equipment required just have a chair handy to act as your barre.
Do you do any other style of exercise?
At the moment, Sleek is pretty all consuming but when I get the chance and the weather is good, I love to cycle.
Do you follow a strict diet/health plan?
No I don’t. I think I naturally make healthy choices with my food because it is what I enjoy and what makes me feel good but I never deny myself of anything I really fancy. I have a pretty big appetite but if you are exercising a lot that is quite normal. Up until three months ago I was still dancing full time with Birmingham Royal Ballet and with up to six hours of rehearsals a day, I had to eat well!
How has a good diet helped with your training?
I feel the difference in my energy levels when I eat well. I am able to push a little harder and still feel strong, even in the last class of the day. Even more than food, I notice how not being well hydrated affects me. I always sip water throughout the day to stop my muscles from feeling tight and tired.
What’s your guilty pleasure in terms of food?
Chocolate for sure!
What does living an active and healthy life mean to you?
Waking up with energy, feeling game for every task of the day whether that is two shows of Swan Lake or three straight Sleek classes. Having time and energy for friends family and loved ones, getting lots of fresh air and in an ideal world some sunshine!
To find out more about Sleek Technique and try out a class, visit the website: www.sleektechnique.com