Running Motivation:
I’m currently coming to the end of two weeks without running, which has been hugely frustrating and therefore my running motivation is lacking. I have no one else to blame other than myself… I’m a muppet, but a muppet who realised something. Those who watch my Instagram stories might have already seen the dreaded blisters, but for those who don’t, let me fill you in. I bought myself a new pair of Dr Martens a couple of weeks ago and decided a great way to break them in would be to walk for 30 minutes up and down hills without any plasters or padding. Bad move. You can imagine the state of my heels, right?! It was a pretty sight and I honestly haven’t even been able to walk properly until today, let alone run.
On this occasion I’ve had good reason to not be running, but sometime life takes over and running is always the first thing to go from my routine, which then leaves me feeling a little nervous when I want to pick it up again after a few weeks. I’m sure a lot of you will know what I mean. Running is such a quick activity to progress in, but is also quick to forget about and let fear set in.
To anyone going through a similar thing right now, I wanted to share a video I watched recently by the awesome Casey Neistat, about running motivation. I watched this about three weeks ago and honestly felt so inspired to lace up my trainers and head outside. It didn’t matter how far, how fast or how well I ran, I was running and I remembered instantly how good it can feel and the feeling I get afterwards, a feeling of achievement and freedom.
Having just watched that hopefully you’re feeling as inspired as ever to hit the road or park or woods, or wherever you may be! Never forget that every run counts, whether it’s good or bad, try and remove the judgement you put on yourself and just accept that you went out and made it happen. That’s what it’s all about.
Prior to writing this blog post I still felt a little nervous about my next run, but now I can’t wait for my heels to be back to normal so I can get out on the road again.
Also have a read of my running tips blog post to get your running motivation on track.
Happy running!
Love, Cat xx