Cat Meffan

The Best Motivational Quotes With Missguided

missguided active best motivational quotes
missguided active best motivational quotes

I say it all the time, but I really do think that a little bit of new fitness kit goes a long way to getting you motivated for a workout. I’m not saying it’s OK to buy a new sports bra three times a week, but when you’re looking to get your fitness mojo back after Christmas or a holiday, nothing beats some new activewear to get you excited to sweat.

I took Missguided’s new activewear collection to an amazing yoga studio in London to give it a little test in some of my favourite yoga poses.

missguided active best motivational quotes

missguided active best motivational quotes

One of my other favourite ways to get motivated is to read an inspirational quote or two. About five years ago you’d never have heard me say that, but now that I’m older, uglier and wiser I think there’s so much truth in some of them and a quote can help change my perspective in seconds.

Here are the best motivational quotes that I’m loving at the moment and are helping me get inspired:

  1. “Fit is not a destination, it’s a way of life.”

  2. “One of the greatest moments in life is realising that two weeks ago, your body couldn’t do what it just did.”

  3. “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

  4. “Here’s what I tell anybody and this is what I believe. The greatest gift we have is the gift of life. We understand that. That comes from our Creator. We’re given a body. Now you may not like it, but you can maximise that body the best it can be maximised.”

  5. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

  6. “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”

  7. “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”

  8. “Do your practice and all is coming”

  9. “Understanding without practice is better than practice without understanding. Understanding with practice is better than understanding without practice. Residing in your true nature is better than understanding or practice.”

  10. “You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do are yoga exercises, which may reveal to you where you are resisting your natural state.”


missguided active best motivational quotes


I’d love to hear the best motivational quotes you’ve heard of, as I can add them to my little library. Never forget that when it comes to fitness and wellbeing, “You can’t rush something you want to last forever.”

Love, Cat x