Cat Meffan

Learning From Each Other with Nike #BetterForIt

Yesterday was a good day. It started with an 8k run that I was extremely proud of and ended with pizza with one of my best friends and a big hug with my parents before they set off on holiday. In the middle of my good day Nike sent me an email about their new Better For It campaign which is launching soon and it got me thinking about how individual each and every one of is, but how we can all achieve great things with a little bit of help and motivation from each other and that healthy competition is a great thing!

The new Nike #BetterForIt Margot vs Lily trailer that launched yesterday is fun & light-hearted, but really struck a chord with me and how we all have something special to teach someone else. My sister used to be very much like Lily, not really into her fitness and struggling for motivation and I’ve helped her turn that around, but I totally saw myself in Lily too – “can’t running just be more like walking or napping” made me chuckle. Where I’ve helped my sister get a bit of body confidence and find her fitness mojo, she’s taught me not to take it all too seriously and to have fun working out with a buddy, rather than just going full steam ahead into a workout on my own.

nike #betterforit

Through Imperfect Matter I’ve had the chance to get to know some amazing ladies, ladies who inspire me daily to keep pushing and working for my goals and brands that help me do that too. Big love to Carly Rowena & AJ Odudu who are both awesome!

I’m so excited for what 2016 has in store for me… I just need to continue to work my butt off to reach my goals. First stop, a 10k run. I can do this!

You can watch the Nike Margot vs Lily trailer here and keep an eye out for the eight episodes that will be launching over the coming weeks. And as if Nike would stop there, this video series is part of one BIG Nike online place for us athletes (yes, I enjoy calling us athletes) to find inspiration and motivation with NTC & NRC training and much more.

Enjoy learning from each other!

Love, Cat x