Cat Meffan

We’re in it together, so let’s act like it

barry's bootcamp flybery nike lab

barry's bootcamp flybery nike lab

barry's bootcamp flybery nike lab

barry's bootcamp flybery nike lab

A little story about my week…

This week during my Barry’s Bootcamp session I was on the verge of giving up. It was the day after a full day of shooting, my body was shattered and my mental state was feeling pretty ropey too. On our second treadmill stint, about 30 seconds from finishing one of the incline runs, I started to drop my incline. Everything was burning, hurting, sweating and I just needed to stop. At that moment the guy next to me grabbed my arm (not sure how he found the energy as he was seriously going for it too) and just panted “come on, you can do it, 30 seconds, that’s it”.

Normally when I’m running I’m not a lover of words of encouragement, but the fact that this guy had used extra energy to say that to me, made me think I need to prove to him I can get to the end. Brilliantly I then started upping my incline back to what it should have been, but it all happened so quickly I ended up on 10, rather than 8. Any Barry’s Bootcamp goers reading this might appreciate how a beginner runner would fair with my incline at 10 and my speed at 9. BUT I did it. I got through those last 30 seconds, thanks to the guy on treadmill 15.


It got me thinking about how weird and sometimes unfriendly the gym environment can be and how if we were all a little bit more like treadmill 15 guy, supporting each other, encouraging each other, everyone might just be a little happier. I’m not saying everyone in a gym is unfriendly, not at all, I’ve had some awesome experiences with people just starting conversation. I’d love to see that a little more… especially in the weights section. Next time you see someone on their own, maybe just ask them if they need a spotter, or just pass on a friendly smile.

Ultimately, we’re all in it together, so let’s encourage each other to push our limits.


nike lab

Leggings | Sports Bra | Trainers | Bag | Mesh Top (similar)

Love, Cat x

Thank you to the awesome Flybery team who sent me this amazing kit – I love it!