Cat Meffan

The Truth About How Bloggers Get Paid

How Bloggers Get Paid

How Bloggers Get PaidHow Bloggers Get Paid

As a blogger I feel that it’s my duty to be honest with you about how bloggers get paid, so we’re going to get a little bit real right now about making money, getting gifts and how I work with brands.

I was recently asked on one of my YouTube videos whether I was paid to promote the products I was talking about, which was a totally fair question. The bit that worried me was that the person said “I’m not sure if you can honestly answer this, but….” – this shouldn’t be how you guys ever feel about reading my blog or anyone else’s. You should be watching videos, liking Instagram posts and reading blogs, having every confidence that the blogger genuinely loves what he/she is promoting.

How It Works

As a blogger I am extremely lucky and so so grateful every day for the opportunities I am given and the amazing clothes I am sent to wear. I have you, my readers, to thank and in return I will continue to give you insights into my own fitness journey, my tips for wellbeing and my never ending lust-list of activewear, travel destinations, fitness retreats and food!

Sometimes I work with brands on paid content, but I can honestly tell you that I turn down just as many projects as I take on. This is because I will only promote brands that I genuinely love and would buy myself. When campaigns like this come about I will tell you. If it’s on Instagram, Twitter or YouTube, you’ll be seeing something like #ad or #spon and if it’s in a blog I will clearly state that I am ‘partnering’ or ‘collaborating’ with a brand. If I’m sent product as a gift, but no payment, then I won’t necessarily say that I have received said items as a gift, but I will only wear or use it if I love it.

Now this is my personal feeling, but it does bug me when I see bloggers and influencers not disclosing that they are working with the brand. I think if we’re all 100% honest with each other then it’ll make for a much happier social media world where you can trust the opinions you’re reading. It’s such an amazing thing that I’m in this position where I can share my passions with you, so I’d rather not taint that by not being up front.

My Promise To You

I can promise you that I only ever write about and promote brands and products that I love… and because I’m such an activewear and food fiend, I’m sure there will be a lot of them! I want you to be able to trust me when I tell you if I like the way a pair of leggings fit or if a particular yoga retreat is worth the money.

I hope this post has helped you understand how I work with brands a little more and will help you trust everything that I write. My motivations for starting and continuing with Imperfect Matter will never change – I want to inspire and motivate people by sharing my wellbeing journey and all of the things I get to experience along the way.

Please note that this blog post is NOT in collaboration with Nike, I just really like their clothes, so took some photos wearing them. 😉

Love, Cat x


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