Cat Meffan

Catching up with Charli Cohen

This week I went for dinner with the lovely Charli Cohen to catch up onĀ all things health, fitness and fashion. When I say ‘health’ I did in fact end up ordering the burger, because guess what, I just REALLY fancied one!

I work hard to keep my body fit and looking strong, so once in a while I’ll enjoy something a bit naughty. Where better to indulge than at 108 Marylebone, home to The Juicery and some really tasty fries!

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Some of you who follow me on Instagram may know that I’m also launching a jewellery collection this year, so it was great to get some insight from Charli as having a young, successful brand of her own.

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Once we were sure we’d covered all bases of catch up chat, conversation moved to Charli’s new Odyssey collection, which is available to pre-order now. Now, without sounding like a crazy stalker, I fell in love with the Athena Body and have been watching its travels around the social media world. No doubt you’ll be seeing in a magazine or two soon – it’s a BEAUTY!

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As you do on any evening out, I dashed upstairs to the 108 toilets and slipped into the body which Charli had kindly bought with her knowing how much I love it.

There was only one problem: to take a photo to share with you I had to come out of the toilet cubicle to stand in front of the mirror, which just so happened to be right next to the main toilet door. It was a case of a couple of very quick snaps and a dash back into the cubicle to get changed. Hilariously I did get caught out by a woman coming in, but she just laughed and went about her business. I dread to think what she must have really thought of me!

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I apologise for the quality of my photos, I was rushed!

Here are some MUCH better images of the full collection. As a lover of aerial hoop, I’m loving the hoop action used in Charli’s campaign shots for the collection!

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These black joggers are also pretty dreamy, I think they’ll be next on my wish-list. The body and jogger combination is laid-back sportswear perfection.

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To view the collection and pre-order, make sure you visit x