Cat Meffan

What I’ve Learnt From Running

I’ve been running for about four years now and as many of my regular readers will know, it’s been a very up and down journey with a little bit of love and quite a lot of hate. Over those four years, running has taught me so much, not just about my physical ability, but my mental strength, along with a few life lessons. Keep reading to find out what the benefits of running are for me, what I’ve learnt from running and where I’m at with my training right now.

benefits of running

benefits of running

Brain Training

Running is a physical activity, yes, but oh my gosh, it’s SUCH a mental activity too and it really tests your emotions sometimes. In daily life our brain tell us that we can’t do something and usually that’s because of fear of failure. For my relationship with running that struggle was seriously real. I often had mind blocks telling myself I can’t run faster or further, but after a while of very gradually building upon my running I learned that I was just a case of training my mind into not being afraid and trying to see every goal as a challenge… one that might take a few attempts to reach. Finding that mental strength in running has given me more confidence in myself in so many other parts of my life too – just knowing that if I put my mind to it, I can do it.

Up & Down Like A Yoyo

There will be good days and bad days and many of them won’t make any sense to you at all. One day I might whizz around a 5k route and feel great and a couple of days later I’ll only make it one mile before feeling dreadful and the temptation to quit. The key is to NOT quit and to just accept that some runs/days will be better than others, but if we can move past that then achievements will come.

Learning To Love

Sometimes in life we do things we don’t particularly love. A lot of the time I’d tell you that if it doesn’t make you happy then it’s not something that is enriching your life, BUT there are times when it’s just a case of learning to love something. Running is one of those things. I love how it makes me feel afterwards, I love being in the fresh air and being surrounded by countryside – they were things I already loved. I had to teach myself to love the first five minutes of every run, reminding myself that it does get easier.

We ARE Runners

Calling myself a ‘runner’ was something I had an issue with, as I thought I wasn’t good enough to be called a runner. It didn’t take me long to realise how ridiculous I was being and that if my paws are pounding the road, then it doesn’t matter how far I go, or at what pace I’m running, I’m a runner!

I’m currently in one of those lull periods where my running isn’t quite going to plan. I have a 10k to run in Palma at the end of the month, but I’m feeling a little nervous with the foot issues I’ve been having. Fingers crossed I can get my feet sorted and get back to training ASAP.

What has running taught you?

Love, Cat x


Leggings – Nike | Trainers – Nike | Sports Bra – Nike