I know, I know, I’m chatting about beauty favourites – who’d have thought it! But it’s something I get asked about a lot, so every now again I like to share my favourite products with you. I’m a bit of a creature of habit, so even though there are some newer products in here, there are also a couple of old faithfuls that I’m still loving.
I’m going to cover everything from hair, skincare and make up, but do not fear, that doesn’t mean it’ll be a long blog post, as I like to keep thing simple when it comes to beauty favourites.
I’ve always been very lucky to have quite clear skin, but my skin does suffer quite a bit when the weather is super cold, so there are some product in here that have really helped with that. So happy that the sun is now shining! Summer is coming. 😉  I’ve linked to all of my beauty favourites below.
Bondi Sands Tan
Dove Tan
Bonacure Repair Rescue
Coconut Oil
This Works Face Wipes
This Works Pillow Spray
Caudalie Oil
Aveda Daily Light Guard
Origins Ginzing Moisturiser
Chanel Coco Noir
Beauty Blender
Origins Mascara
Frank Body
Body Shop Oil
Happy Beautifying! Love, Cat x