Cat Meffan

Activewear Haul: My January Lust List

I feel like it’s been ages since I did a round up of my favourite fitness items (and a few other random things!), so now that the January sales are finishing up I finally took my eyes to the online stores to see what I liked for this activewear haul of sorts. Who am I kidding – I totally do that every day! What can I say, I’m a sucker for shopping and always have been. 😉

This month I’ve actually selected five of the six products from one website. This wasn’t intentional, I was just browsing and by the end of my browse I had about 20 tabs open, so I thought I’d just do an ASOS fitness activewear haul round up. Some of you may have noticed a lot more activewear appearing on the ASOS site and they now have a dedicated section for it. Rumour has it, ASOS will be launching their own collection too. Since the quality of ASOS own brand has got SO much better in recent years, I’m pretty excited about the prospect of an in-house collection.

Anyway, to the reason you’re here. Check out my favourite activewear haul pieces in the image above. I’ve linked to them all below. That pizza bag was made for me!

  1. One Line A Day Journal
  2. BAN DO Pizza Gym Bag
  3. Adidas Gazelle Purple Ice Trainers
  4. Sass & Belle Mug
  5. Varley Cheetah Sports Bra
  6. Reebok Colour Block Leggings

I started using the One Line A Day journal at the beginning of the year and love it so much. It’s such a nice and easy way to keep track of things that happened, without going into too much detail. Sometimes I’ll write about happy things, sometimes sad and sometimes I might just write down a quote that I’ve read somewhere.

If you like this, check out my activewear hauls over on my YouTube.


Love, Cat x